Brittany Broski: "Que tingui dos milions de seguidors no vol dir que sempre estigui bé anímicament" - Diari de Barcelona
Brittany Broski
Humorista, TikToker i YouTuber
"Que tingui dos milions de seguidors no vol dir que sempre estigui bé anímicament"
There is an English version of the interview below.
Brittany Broski (Houston, 1997) és humorista, TikToker i YouTuber. Fa un any estava treballant en un banc, quan va publicar el seu primer TikTok, el juliol de 2019, i ara té ni més ni menys que 4,7 milions de seguidors a l'app. A l'agost un vídeo seu on provava kombutxa, una beguda fermentada, es va fer viral i es va convertir en un mem a Twitter. Ara el vídeo té més de 13 milions de visites. Broski va ser coneguda com la "kombutxa girl".
@brittany_broski Me trying Kombucha for the first time ##foryoupage ##foryou ##fyp ##AllBrandNew
♬ original sound - brittanyt445
Des de llavors, ha estat creant contingut en diverses plataformes, més recentment a YouTube, on té gairebé 500 mil seguidors. Broski està aconseguint una cosa que moltes persones que han esdevingut mems no han pogut fer: no caure en l'oblit de mems oblidats.
Com estàs?
Doncs crec que estic bé. No ho sé. Ja veurem (riu).
Com has estat durant aquests mesos en el confinament?
Ha estat una mica estrany perquè m'agrada estar sola. Com més parlo amb altres creadors, més em diuen que així és com comença. Estàs sola a la teva habitació, comences a fer vídeos i és com, oh, a la gent li agrada. Així que ha estat agradable, estic en el meu espai feliç, però estat difícil estar motivada. Em sento molt afortunada, realment no estic patint econòmicament ni res d'això. Per molt que vull queixar-me, la vida segueix sent bona.
El teu vídeo de tu bevent kombutxa es va convertir en un mem. Vas ser coneguda com la "kombutxa girl" però ara ets Brittany Broski i punt.
Ella és aquí. La "kombutxa girl" està morta.
Adéu per sempre.
Ha passat gairebé un any d'aquest moment, quan ha canviat la teva vida?
Ha canviat completament. Vaig pensar que viuria la resta de la meva vida com una professional corporativa. Si m'haguessis dit: aquí és on seràs d'aquí a deu mesos, hauria pensat que fumes drogues, però és una bogeria. Literalment estic fent el que sempre he fet per divertir-me. I ara em paguen per fer-ho. És estúpid, em sento molt beneïda. És molt divertit.
Hi va haver un temps en què a ningú no li agradava TikTok: vas ser una d'aquestes persones?
Vaig descarregar TikTok com una broma. Vaig pensar, què dimonis està passant amb aquesta aplicació? Vaig començar a carregar-hi vídeos de broma, només perquè els meus amics els veiessin. Vaig carregar-n'hi que es deia "depression meal check", on estava menjant pomes i xocolata. Vaig publicar això un dimarts a les 9 del vespre. I em vaig despertar i tenia cent mil likes. Després d'estar a TikTok per un temps, aquests números són bastant comuns. Si un vídeo funciona molt bé, cent mil és com el mínim, però Déu meu, quan ho descarregues per primera vegada i és com, estic al cim del món. Així que sí, va ser genial.
Quan el teu vídeo va ser viral, vas pensar que seria una cosa que duraria tant de temps?
No crec que realment hi pensés, en això. Va ser com, no puc creure que això estigui succeint. Estava veient la meva cara en cartells en manifestacions pel canvi climàtic a Austràlia. Va ser com, seguiré publicant com normalment perquè això és el que estava fent. El de kombutxa no es va tornar viral a TikTok, però a Twitter sí. Llavors, a TikTok, encara estava publicant el que normalment publicava, és a dir, jo fent tonteries. Així que crec que al fer-ho, realment em va servir molt per a la longevitat que comentes. A l'agost vaig signar amb una agència de talents, així que hi han ajudat, però em sento molt afortunada que als meus seguidors els hagi agradat i que després s'hagin quedat.
La gent encara et demana que facis la cara del vídeo?
No, gràcies a Déu.
Et molesta?
Sí. Molt. Per exemple, dos mesos després del vídeo, si anava a bars i la gent em deia: et compraré un chupito si fas la cara. I és com, per un chupito gratis, sí. Però després d'això, és com, no, simplement no ho vull. No.
Ara estàs publicant molt a YouTube.
M'ho prenc seriosament. Tinc un editor. És molt divertit. És genial perquè tinc diferents audiències a cada plataforma. Les persones que em segueixen a Twitter no responen de la mateixa manera a Instagram, a TikTok o a YouTube. A YouTube no és com fer una broma, fer una cara graciosa i ja està. Res més. És una mica més relaxat.
Quina diferència hi ha entre les idees que tens per vídeos per a TikTok amb els vídeos per a YouTube o et ve alguna cosa al cap i comences a gravar?
Sí, és el mateix per totes dues plataformes. Sento que amb YouTube cal una mica més de planificació. YouTube és un flux constant d'ingressos, la qual cosa és bo, però ja saps, has de mantenir les visites. Em preocupa una mica més YouTube. Mentre que a TikTok hi publico coses tontes i això és el que fa que mantengui els seguidors, suposo.
Tu i la teva companya de pis, Sarah Schauer, fareu un podcast?
Sí! Encara és en procés. Ho estem fent arribar a diferents empreses. El concepte hi és. Serà una continuació del "Peepeepoopoo time" a YouTube. Però en lloc de 15 minuts, serà durant 45 minuts, crec que a la gent realment li encantarà. Hi incorporarem una mica més els seguidors, preguntes de seguidors, històries, coses així. Esperem que surti en els pròxims dos o tres mesos.
Ets humorista, la comèdia és una indústria dominada per homes, especialment a YouTube. Creus que ara és més fàcil per a les dones entrar a la comèdia amb més plataformes com TikTok i YouTube i Twitter?
Crec que a poc a poc estem progressant, però tens molta raó. És una indústria molt masculina, especialment l'Stand-up. Gairebé tots els meus seguidors són dones. Hi ha un mercat per a això. Encara és molt difícil perquè veus els Cody Ko i Noel Miller del món, i és molt fàcil per a ells. Realment no he tingut gaire dificultats perquè en els meus vídeos sóc jo mateixa i tinc la sort que a la gent li agrada això. Suposo que veurem com funciona amb el temps, com creix el meu canal i si a la gent li segueixen agradant els meus vídeos.
L'Stand-up és el teu objectiu principal?
Sí, està a la part alta de la llista. També vull submergir-me primer a l'actuació de veu. Tinc tantes ganes de fer-ho! He tingut un parell d'audicions, i ho trobo tan divertit! Elimina l'estrès de l'actuació en persona. I és comèdia i modulació vocal. De vegades ho faig en els meus vídeos. Llavors, si em paguen per fer-ho, això ja serà increïble.
Has estat fent vídeos amb MTV, Comedy Central, vull dir, el següent pas ja saps, és l'especial de Netflix, una pel·lícula o una sèrie.
Seré a Shrek 7.
Hauran de fer primer la cinquena i la sisena, però està bé. Prefereixes fer una pel·lícula o una sèrie?
Crec que una sèrie probablement funcionaria millor perquè els cinemes estan tancats. I crec que la generació Z té una capacitat d'atenció curta i és fàcil veure un munt de petits episodis de 20 minuts. Així que probablement la sèrie funcionaria millor, però estic oberta al que sigui.
Qui són algunes persones a les quals admires, que t'inspiren?
Estimo a Undos, que és a Atlanta. Hi ha una noia que es diu Eden Monticelli. Ella és molt còmica. M'atrauen les personalitats grans perquè jo tinc una personalitat gran. Només veure'ls reaccionar a les coses, m'encanta. A YouTube, òbviament, Jenna Marbles, sempre ha estat una de les meves favorites. Estimo Cody i Noel. En termes de Stand-up: Jim Gaffigan, Tom Segura. Jim Carrey i tots els clàssics, però molta de la meva inspiració ha estat d'homes. No hi ha hagut moltes comediantes inspiradores a part de Kristen Wiig, però com has dit, la comèdia està dominada pels homes. Llavors potser això és només el que jo he pogut veure.
Entrant en un tema diferent... ets una mica cantant.
No, Ms. girl.
Una altra TikToker, Dixie D'Amelio, acaba de llançar una cançó. Faries música?
M'encantaria fer música, però és una línia molt fina entre oh, pots cantar, ¿no hauries de fer música? No. Hi ha aquest estigma de Jacob Sartorius i Cameron Dallas on és com, per què, per què vas fer això? Qui et va deixar fer això? I es converteix en una broma. Es converteix en un mem i no vull convertir-me en un mem. Seguiré publicant els meus vídeos absurds. Una cosa sortirà d'això.
A més de cantar, t'agrada l'art i la història de l'art no?
Sí, sempre he estudiat història de l'art pel meu compte. Vaig fer un curs d'història de l'art europeu a l'escola secundària. Per tant, sempre m'ha interessat i m'agrada ensenyar-li a la gent si estan disposats a escoltar. Així que vaig obrir el meu segon compte d'Instagram, on publico alguns dels meus treballs preferits i explico la seva història. Hi publico els meus propis dibuixos i pintures. És divertit. Gran part de la història humana és història de l'art. És com ens expressem.
Tu comparteixes, amb els teus seguidors, molts dels teus interessos, mentre que crec que molta gent que veus a internet només en comparteix una part.
És una cosa interessant. Parlo d'això amb alguns dels meus amics creadors, que realment et veus obligat a retratar aquesta caricatura de tu mateix i has de ser entretingut sempre perquè veus aquests comentaris que diuen 'vaig a la teva pàgina per riure' i és com, merda, ara em sento malament. Si dic 'hola gent, estic una mica trist', sents que estàs decebent els teus seguidors, perquè no és per això que vénen a la teva pàgina. Al mateix temps, tots som humans. El fet que tingui un parell de milions de seguidors no vol dir que sempre estigui bé anímicament.
Crec que moltes persones també es connecten amb tu perquè se senten igual.
Sí. També rebut molts d'aquests comentaris. Aquests també són una mena de compliments malintencionats, és com si et volguessis sentir millor, així que em veus tenir les meves crisis i et fa sentir millor.
Parles castellà, com va succeir això?
Vaig créixer a tot el sud-est dels Estats Units, però he estat a Texas la major part de la meva vida. Vaig tenir molts amics que parlaven castellà. Va ser el meu minor a la universitat. La meva mare em va sorprendre quan em vaig graduar de la universitat, en un viatge a Madrid. Vam anar a Madrid, Barcelona i Toledo. Mai no hi havia estat, però parlava el seu idioma i estaven en xoc, quan la nena blanca puja al taxi i comença a parlar-los amb fluïdesa es queden de pedra. Però ara ho he perdut una mica.
Has de fer servir Duolingo.
Tinc Busuu, és una altra aplicació d'idioma. N'hi ha tantes! Però el mussol de Duolingo és un enemic del públic. Intento seguir practicant i els meus seguidors també són molt bons al respecte. M'obliguen a parlar en castellà, així que és agradable.
Has de fer alguns vídeos en castellà.
Necessito fer-ho. Intentaré fer un vídeo complet de YouTube en castellà, un d'aquests dies però serà difícil.
Tens cantants favorits en castellà?
M'agrada Maluma, Bad Bunny, J Balvin i Nicky Jam. Recentment estic escoltant Cazzu. Ella és com una e-girl, l'estimo. M'agrada molt el reggaeton.
Ara mateix no es pot viatjar gaire, però aniries a altres països on tens seguidors per conèixer-los?
Sí, clar. Crec que m'agradaria anar primer a VidCon UK. Tinc molts seguidors al Regne Unit.
Probablement perquè imites bé l'accent anglès.
M'agrada fer-ho. Però m'encantaria anar-hi en un esdeveniment oficial, com VidCon però també qualsevol lloc i dir 'hola gent estic a París, algú aquí?'
Tens algun pla per a després del confinament?
Si, i tant. Tenia previst fer VidCon. Se suposava que hi anava fer un parell de xerrades. Havia de començar Stand-up i audicions. També havia d'anar al concert de Harry Styles a la tardor. És el més trist també, la idea d'un concert és per estar a prop d'altres persones i omplir un estadi, passarà una eternitat abans no es pugui fer això una altra vegada, la qual cosa és una merda per als amants de la música.
Aquest mes, el dia de la independència dels EUA, el 4 de juliol, bàsicament va ser cancel·lat per la societat. Què vas fer durant aquest aquell cap de setmana?
Publicar peticions i omplir el meu feed amb informació sobre Black Lives Matter. No estem en un lloc per a ser patriòtics en aquest moment. No estic orgullosa en aquest moment de viure aquí. Així que estem treballant pel canvi i hem de centrar-nos en això abans de menjar hot dogs al sol a la platja. No hi ha hot dogs per racistes.
Has estat publicant molt sobre racisme i tot el que ha estat succeint però moltes persones simplement van publicar un quadrat negre i prou.
Van pensar que havien fet alguna cosa i que amb això s'acabaria el racisme.
Has explicat que ets del sud, que et van ensenyar una història que no és la realitat i com has estat acceptant això. I has compartit això amb els teus seguidors.
Sí, és un equilibri estrany perquè òbviament tinc alguns seguidors que hi estan d'acord, que ho entenen i que són molt solidaris. Però n'hi ha, pocs, que m'envien missatges demanant-me si crec que tots els policies són dolents. Això és graciós, però també he d'explicar que un és sistema amb errors. És difícil mantenir converses amb els meus fans de vegades. Vaig perdre alguns seguidors, però la meva opinió és que estic compartint aquests materials perquè tots els puguin consumir. Si tries ignorància, no et vull a la meva pàgina.
Com et vas sentir quan gent et preguntava quan tornaries a ser graciosa havent publicat sobre racisme?
Això s'ha calmat des de llavors. Em deien, tu essent seriosa m'espantes una mica, quan tornaràs a ser graciosa? És com, que insensible has de ser per a preguntar-li això a algú. Realment vaig patir amb això per un moment perquè jo vull fer els meus deures. Vull fer un canvi. Érem a les protestes. Estic compartint peticions cada dia. Entenc la necessitat de contingut positiu en aquest moment també. Estic tractant de fer això, però no puc forçar-ho. Si no em sento graciosa, llavors no seré graciosa. I si això no t'agrada, deixa de seguir-me.
Com que estem parlant de Black Lives Matter, vols recomanar alguns creadors de TikTok negres?
Christian Dennis és un dels meus favorits. Ell fa maquillatge de bellesa. Undos, el seu nom és Zach, és una de les persones més gracioses que he vist en tota la meva vida. Una altra: el seu usuari és fatracco0n, és molt divertida. Hadiya és graciosa. Strawhat Dan, Sarah Lugor, Captaindare... Tinc una llista, són fantàstics. I TikTok i Instagram han estat bons, almenys donant atenció específicament als creadors negres. Ha estat un gran moment per mostrar els prejudicis que existeixen en aquestes aplicacions perquè els creadors de les apps puguin veure el que estan fent malament. TikTok en la seva major part és fantàstic. Són genials amb creadors. És un ambient molt democràtic.
Brittany Broski (Houston, 1997) is a comedian, TikToker and YouTuber. A year ago she was working at a bank, then she posted her first TikTok in July 2019 and now has 4.7 million followers on the app. In August, a video of her trying kombucha, a fermented drink, went viral and became a meme on Twitter. Now the video has more than 13 million views and from there Broski, became known as "kombucha girl".
Since then, she has been creating content on various platforms, most recently on YouTube where she has nearly 500,000 followers. Broski is achieving something that many people who have become memes couldn’t do: avoid falling into the oblivion of forgotten memes.
How are you?
I mean, I guess I'm fine. I don't know. We'll find out.
How have you been dealing with these months in quarantine?
It's been kind of weird because I like to be by myself. The more creators that I talk to, that's kind of how it starts. You're alone in your room, you start making videos and it's like, oh, people kinda like this. So that's been nice, I'm in my happy place, but it's been hard to stay motivated. I feel very fortunate. I'm not really struggling financially or anything like that. As much as I want to complain, life is still good.
You went viral from the video of you drinking kombucha. It turned into a meme. You were the kombucha girl, but I mean, come on now. It's Brittany Broski.
She's here. Kombucha girl is dead.
Bye forever.
It's been almost a year, how much as life changed for you in that year alone?
Total 180. I thought I was going to live the rest of my life as a corporate professional. If you would've told me, this is where I'd be 10 months later I would have been like, you're smoking rocks, but it's, it's crazy. I'm literally doing what I've always done for fun. And now I get paid to do it. It's stupid. So I feel very blessed. It's a lot of fun.
There was a time when nobody liked TikTok. Were you one of those people?
I downloaded TikTok as a joke, so yeah. And I was like, what the hell is going on with this app? I started uploading videos kind of as a joke, like just for my friends to see. I uploaded one, one night. It was the “depression meal check” one. Where I was eating apples and chocolate chips. I posted that at like 9:00 PM on like a Tuesday night. And I woke up the next morning and it had like a hundred thousand likes. I mean, once you get on TikTok for a while, those numbers are pretty common. If a video does very well, a 100 thousand is kind of like the minimum, but oh my god, when you first download it and it's like, I'm on top of the world, bitch. So yeah, it was definitely cool.
When you went viral, did you think it would be something that would last this long?
I don't think I was really thinking about it like that. It was still so just like, I can't believe this is happening. I was seeing my face on climate change protest posters in Australia. It was just kind of like, I'm going to keep posting like what I would normally post. The kombucha thing didn't go viral on TikTok, it went viral on Twitter. So on TikTok, I was still posting what I was normally posting, just me dicking around. So I think in doing that, it really served me well with the longevity. Around August too, I signed on with a talent agency. So they've definitely helped, but I feel very lucky that fans kind of liked it and then stuck around.
Do people still ask you to do the face from the video?
No, thank god.
Does it bother you?
Yes. Literally like my trigger, like two months afterward, I would go to bars and people would be like, oh, I'll buy you a shot if you do the face. Hell yeah I'll do it for a free shot. But after that, it's like, no, I just don't want it. No.
Is YouTube something that you want to do more full time?
I think so. I definitely take it seriously. I have an editor but it's a lot of fun. It's cool because I have different audiences on each platform.The people that follow me on Twitter don't really respond the same way on Instagram and same with TikTok and YouTube. So on YouTube it's not like a get to the punchline, make a funny face kind of thing. Nothing like that. It's a little more relaxed.
How does coming up with ideas for TikTok compare to YouTube? Is it just whatever comes to your mind,you just start filming?
Yeah, it's kind of the same for both. I feel like with YouTube, it requires a little more planning. YouTube is a constant revenue stream, which is nice, but you know, you have to keep the views up. I worry about YouTube a little bit more. Whereas TikTok, I just shit post and that's what got me the followers and that's, I guess what's going to keep the followers.
So you and your roommate/cousin/uncle/sister/wife/etc. Sarah Schauer are starting a podcast or was that something that I made up to feel better about this year?
We definitely are. It's still in the works. We're pitching it to different networks. The concept is there. It's just going to be a continuation of “Peepeepoopoo time” on YouTube. But instead of for 15 minutes, for 45 minutes, I think people will really get a kick out of it. We'll incorporate fans a little bit more, fan questions, fan stories, things like that. Hopefully that'll be out in the next two or three months.
You are a comedian, which comedy is a really male dominated industry, especially on YouTube. Do you think now it's easier for women to kind of get into comedy these days with more platforms like TikTok and YouTube and Twitter. What do you think is this kind of a thing?
I think little by little we are making progress, but you're very right. It is a very masculine industry, especially stand up. Almost all of my fans are women. There's definitely a market for it. It's still very difficult because you see like the Cody Kos and Noel Millers of the world, it's so easy for them. I really haven't had that much hardship because it's just kinda me being myself and I'm lucky enough to have fans that like that. I guess we'll see in time, how fast my channel grows and if the videos keep performing well.
Stand-up is your main goal?
Yeah, definitely stand-up. It's high up there on the roster. I really wanna dive head first into voice acting. Oh my god, I want to do that so bad. I've had a couple auditions, but like how fun is that? It takes away the stress of real life acting. It’s comedy and it's all just vocal modulation which I do sometimes in my videos. So to get paid to do that would just be amazing.
You've been doing videos with MTV, Comedy Central. I mean, next up is, you know, the Netflix special, a movie or a show
I'll be in Shrek seven.
They’ll have to make the fifth and sixth ones first, but all right. Would you prefer to do a movie or a show, voice acting? Or does it not matter?
It doesn't really matter. I think Gen Z has a very short attention span, I think a TV show would probably perform better because the movie theaters are closed. It's so easy to just binge and stream little 20 minute episodes. So probably TV would do better, but I don't know I'm down for literally whatever.
Who are some people that you look up to, that inspire you?
I love Undos. He's in Atlanta. There's a girl named Eden Monticelli. She's so funny. I'm attracted to the big personalities because I'm a big personality. Just watching them react to stuff, I love it. On YouTube, obviously, Jenna Marbles, she's always been one of my top. I do love Cody and Noel. In terms of stand up Jim Gaffigan, Tom Segura. Jim Carrey and all the OGs, but a lot of my comedic inspiration has been male. There haven't been that many inspirational female comedians other than Kristen Wiig, but like you said, comedy is very male dominated. So maybe that's just all I've had to view.
Going into a different topic, you are a bit of a singer.
No, Ms. Girl
I mean fellow TikToker Dixie D'Amelio just put out a song, would you do music though?
I'd love to do music, but it's just, such a fine line between oh, you can kind of sing, shouldn't you make music? No. There's that stigma of the Jacob Sartorius and the Cameron Dallas where it's like, why, why did you do this? Who let you do this? And it becomes a joke. It becomes a meme and I don't want to become a meme. I'm just going to keep posting my zany videos. Something will come out of it.
Besides singing, you're really into arts and art history?
Yeah, I've always studied art history kind of on my own. I took the European art history course in high school. So, I've always kind of had an interest on my own and I like to teach people about it if they're willing to listen. So I started my second Instagram account where I just kind of post some of my favorite works and I talk about the history of them. And I post my own little doodles and sketches. It's fun. So much of human history is art history. It's how we express ourselves.
You share a lot of your interests with your followers but a lot of people on the internet only show one side of them.
It's an interesting thing. I talk about that with some of my creator friends, you're definitely kind of forced to portray this caricature of yourself, of the big and boisterous and you're entertaining all the time because you get those comments of I come to your page to laugh and it's well, shit. Now I feel bad. If I'm like, hey guys, I'm kind of sad. You feel like you're letting down your followers because that's not why they come to your page. But at the same time, we're all human. Just because I have a couple million doesn't mean that I'm any less mentally unwell.
I think a lot of people also relate to you because they also feel the same way.
Yeah. I definitely get a lot of those comments too. Those are kind of backhanded compliments, where it's like, you want to feel more normal so you watch me have my breakdowns and it makes you feel better.
So you speak Spanish?
I grew up all along the Southeastern United States, but I've been in Texas for most of my life. I had a lot of friends growing up that spoke Spanish. It was my minor in college. My mom surprised me when I graduated college with a trip to Madrid. I was fluent and we went to Madrid, Barcelona and Toledo and we did a train ride. I'd never been there before, but I spoke their language and they're shook, when the little white girl gets in the cab and you start fluently talking to them and they're like, okay. But I've kind of lost it now.
You got to get that Duolingo
Period. I have one called Busuu, it's another language App. There's so many, but the Duolingo owl is just, he's a menace. He's a public enemy. I try to keep it up and my followers are really good about it too. They force me to speak in Spanish, so it's nice.
You got to make some videos in Spanish.
I need to, I'm going to try to make a full YouTube video in Spanish. One of these days it'll be hard.
Do you have any favorite singers in Spanish?
I like Maluma, bad bunny, J Balvin and Nicky jam. I recently got into Cazzu. She's sick. She's like a little e-girl. I love her. I definitely like reggaeton.
Traveling right now, isn't really possible. But would you go to other countries where you have fans to meet them, like to do a meetup?
Yeah, for sure. I think number one, I'd like to hit up VidCon UK. I've got a lot of fans in the UK, which is nice.
Probably because you do a good English accent.
I do like to do it, but I would love to go there and like at an official event, like VidCon and then like wherever and just be like hey guys I'm in Paris? Anyone here?
Do you have any plans for post-Covid?
Oh yeah, for sure. Well, everything that was postponed, we were supposed to do VidCon. I was supposed to do a couple of speaking engagements. I was supposed to start stand up and auditions. I was supposed to see Harry Styles in the fall. That's the saddest thing too, the point of a concert, just to be close to other people and pack a stadium, it's going to be forever before we can do that again, which just sucks for music lovers.
The 4th of July, was basically been canceled by society this year, what did you do during that weekend?
Posted petitions and spammed my feed with Black Lives Matter stuff. We're not in a place to be patriotic right now. I'm not proud right now to be living here. So we're working on change and we need to focus on that before we eat hot dogs in the sun on the beach. No hot dogs for racists.
You've been posting so much about this, everything that has been happening because a lot of people on the internet just posted a black square and said black lives matter.
Oh they thought they did something. Racism's over.
You’ve talked about being from the South and how you were taught a history that isn't the reality and you’ve shared that with your followers.
Yeah, it's a weird balance because obviously I have some followers that are on board. They get it and they're very supportive. But there are those few stragglers that are in my DMs. Like why do you think all cops are bad? That's funny, but it's also like, here's why it's because it's a broken system. That's why we demand reform. It's hard conversations that I have with my fans sometimes. I've lost some fans, but my opinion is, I am putting these materials out there for y'all to consume it. If you choose ignorance, I don't want you on my page anyway.
How have you been doing with people who are asking, when are you going to be funny again?
That's kind of calmed down since then. It was like, you being serious is kind of freaking me out, when are you going to be funny again? How insensitive you have to be to ask someone that. I really struggled with it for a moment because I want to do my due diligence here. I want to make a change. We walked in the protest. I'm retweeting petitions every day. I definitely understand the need for positive content in this time as well. I'm trying to do that too, but I can't force it. If I'm not feeling funny, then I'm not going to be funny. And if you don't like that, then unfollow me sister.
Since we were on the topic of Black Lives Matter, are there any black creators that you want to recommend?
Christian Dennis is one of my favorites. He does beauty makeup. Undos, his name's Zach, he's one of the funniest people I've ever seen in my whole life. Her user is fatracco0n, she's so funny. Hadiya is really funny. Strawhat Dan, Sarah Lugor, Captaindare, I've got a whole list of them. They're fantastic. After some scandals and being called out for shadow banning creators, TikTok has been good on Instagram, at least specifically shouting out black creators and giving them the platform they deserve. This has been a really great time to bring light to some of the prejudices and biases on apps and kind of make them look at themselves in the mirror. This is what y'all do it. Tik Tok for the most part is fantastic. They're great to their creators. It's a very democratic environment.